
30 03 2012

The past few weeks I’ve been harping on about how I’m going to go introduce the babies to my colleagues at the office! But to be honest, the outing would be full of firsts, that I honestly was a little chicken to tackle.

Those firsts being:  using our double stroller for the first time, besides practice stints around the living room;  driving and handling the babies on my own;  packing and feeding formula on an outing (I’ve managed to breastfeed, or not need to feed on previous ventures).

These may not sound huge, but all together I was quite daunted, hence, I hadn’t actually done anything about it.

Fortunately, I got an invite for a friend at work’s babyshower that was being held at the office – which motivated me to bundle my visit, with attending the shower.

So yesterday I managed to fold up and squeeze our stroller into the back of my car,  set up the car seats, packed the baby bag, and packed the car with the present etc, and finally set off, babies safely belted in. So kindly, Rob met me at the office parking lot (just as well, cause I couldn’t for the life of me remember how to open the stroller again!)  and we headed in to the office.

And what a pleasure to see all those lovely faces again. And everyone seemed thrilled to see the little ones finally. And speaking of – the twins almost slept through the whole thing. Except for Annabelle, who got hungry, and later started crying, prompting us to leave.

But we’d spent over 1,5 hours catching up with everyone, and it certainly wasn’t as overwhelming as I’d expected.  (Thanks to Rob being there)!

I hate to say we might have stole some thunder from my friend who’s shower it was, but I hope she still had a lovely celebration!

The babies were a bit of a distraction!!

Fortunately, the drive home was uneventful too, with babies lulled to sleep!

sleeping cutiepies!

A lovely afternoon, all in all.



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